Morrisville State College

Morrisville State College

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Imaging methods show improvement in Alzheimer's research

Prior to resent studies, diagnosing Alzheimer's was only done postmortem through an autopsy. After years researchers were able to find patterns with the tau, which form tangles within the neurons and Amylyoid-β, a plaque that forms around the nerve cell. They found that we have good tau and toxic tau and when in the presence of Amylyoid-β, levels of toxicity increase. Because of these postmortem studies we know that the presence of these two are related to the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease and only recently have been able to use these findings to observe the protein in living patients. Michael Schöll and his group had two goals, to find a way to monitor living patients during treatment and to be able to properly diagnose the disease. In this study they use imaging methods such as MRI and PET scans to look for tau and Amylyoid-β using a tag for the molecule that is labelled with an isotope they call 18F-AV-1451.

Friday, December 1, 2017

How does Horseback Riding help kids with Cerebral Palsy when coupled with conventional therapy?

Have you ever heard of using horseback riding as therapy for injured or handicapped people? Riding horses can help alleviate all kinds of physical and mental problems. The way a horse moves, the way they walk, four legs striking the ground at different, independent times allows for the horses body to swing, but still keep a balanced spine. That swing helps to make strong muscles if used correctly.