Morrisville State College

Morrisville State College

Friday, November 22, 2019

Can Bulimia Lead To Cancer?

Find image here
Do you ever find yourself looking in the mirror and not liking what you see, looking at a magazine wishing I want to be just as skinny as her, looking at all the billboards and its just some pretty slim girl and you tell yourself that can never be me I'm just way too big?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Occipital Nerve Stimulation to Alleviate Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that presents in many misunderstood and misdiagnosed ways. The most common symptoms are unexplained widespread pain, bone pain, muscle pain, and joints pain or soreness, memory fog/issues, frequent migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, and sleep issues. Although these symptoms are real to the patient, there is no physical cause for these pains, hence the reason this disorder is often misunderstood and mistreated. Until recently, fibromyalgia was not recognized as a legitimate illness, therefore there has been very little research on it. Due to the recent validation of the disorder, more research and studies have been conducted and it has been concluded that it seems to be related to the pain pathways in the brain.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Tunneling Nanotubes Evoke Pericyte/Endothelial Communication during Normal and Tumoral Angiogenesis

There are many kinds of cancers in the world, and many people are suffering by them. Gliobastoma (GBM) is a kind of the brain cancer, which is typically classified as an astrocytoma. Astrocytoma is caused by cancerous astrocytes, which play an important to support endothelial cell to form blood-brain-barrier. GMB is a deadly cancer, patients’ life expectancy is only 14 months with treatment, the senator John McCain is also suffered by this cancer and passed away. Personally, I believe cancer treatment is important for human being. This paper has an interesting idea that cut the communication between tumor cell and normal cell but not just remove the tumor, this way probably can be more helpful in prevent metastasis than remove tumor.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Effects of Aroma on Mood and Task Performance.


An example of the Quick Mood Scale. 

As a college student, individual task performance and mood stability are key aspects to day-to-day survival, observing my peers throughout the day, many depend on a quick burst of energy from the caffeine based, sugar-filled selection of beverages that can be found for sale across campus to aid in studying and basic endurance/motivation. However, too much of these unhealthy substitutes can lead to an upset in blood pressure, insomnia, nervousness, muscle tremors, and even mood swings from withdrawal. In my search for healthier alternatives to incorporate across campus, I came across a study performed by Western Oregon University senior Reina Morgan, under the supervision of several professors of doctoral status, on the effects of peppermint and orange aromas on mood and task performance as a quick and healthy solution to better studying and motivation. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Biology versus Psychological Explanations of "mental illness"

Have you ever wondered if the causes of mental illness are biological or psychological? 

Anxiety and Depression in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is the reason why you have terrible stomach problems the result of your childhood trauma? Are you literally worrying yourself sick to the point of diarrhea or constipation? This study focuses on anxiety and depression with the connection of irritable bowel syndrome.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Imaging methods show improvement in Alzheimer's research

Prior to resent studies, diagnosing Alzheimer's was only done postmortem through an autopsy. After years researchers were able to find patterns with the tau, which form tangles within the neurons and Amylyoid-β, a plaque that forms around the nerve cell. They found that we have good tau and toxic tau and when in the presence of Amylyoid-β, levels of toxicity increase. Because of these postmortem studies we know that the presence of these two are related to the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease and only recently have been able to use these findings to observe the protein in living patients. Michael Schöll and his group had two goals, to find a way to monitor living patients during treatment and to be able to properly diagnose the disease. In this study they use imaging methods such as MRI and PET scans to look for tau and Amylyoid-β using a tag for the molecule that is labelled with an isotope they call 18F-AV-1451.

Friday, December 1, 2017

How does Horseback Riding help kids with Cerebral Palsy when coupled with conventional therapy?

Have you ever heard of using horseback riding as therapy for injured or handicapped people? Riding horses can help alleviate all kinds of physical and mental problems. The way a horse moves, the way they walk, four legs striking the ground at different, independent times allows for the horses body to swing, but still keep a balanced spine. That swing helps to make strong muscles if used correctly.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Use of a Horse Riding Simulator to Decrease Falling Risk in the Elderly

Balance and trunk muscle activity, both decrease as you age and are proven to increase the chance of falls. Exercise is proven to help increase muscle activation and balance but has not been explored with a horse riding simulator. This study was aimed to help decrease the risk of falling in the elderly by using a horse riding simulator to increase stability and trunk muscle activation.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Effects of mindfulness meditation on occupational functioning and health care utilization in individuals with anxiety

Anxiety, does it get the best of you? Are you missing work to de-stress? Meditation can offer a different way of dealing with stress and/or anxiety.

Micro- and Macrovascular Function in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Hemoglobin C Disease

Knowing your body’s physical capabilities is a very important aspect in life. No one is exactly the same so we all fluctuate in how we perform different activates. Some things you can’t help, many people are born with health issues which take a huge toll on their physical capabilities. Hereditary defects can be passed on and you don’t get a chance to say, “No! I don’t want it.”, or just work past it. Somethings you just have to learn to live with it. Sickle cell anemia, or sickle cell disease, is just one example of such an issue. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saliva and Tears: The Next Blood Test?


It is regarded as common knowledge that blood tests can determine a multitude of results, from whole blood count, to hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and including markers that may indicate tumors. Depending on one’s veins, blood tests can also be relatively quick and easy to take, not even taking a minute in most circumstances. Yet even this comprehensive testing doesn’t reveal all. Suffice to say, there is quite the drive for blood tests as preliminary diagnostics.

The Use of Motor Activity to Access Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder results from brain structure and its functioning, genetics and the family history.  It has been suggested that the brains of those diagnosed with this particular disorder differs from those who are mentally healthy, and that people with certain genes have a higher risk of being diagnosed as bipolar.  It is known to run in families, but it has also been stated that majority of the people with a family history of this disorder, do not become bipolar themselves.  Bipolar disorder is a traumatic mental disorder that comes with periods of both extreme happiness and depression.  Approximately 2.6% of the United States population are diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 is more severe and dangerous because of manic episodes, while bipolar 2 has is a milder form of mood elevations. The World Health Organization has ranked all mental disorders and placed bipolar disorder near the top of the list for the causes of mental health issues resulting in disability around the world.  So far, however, the cause of bipolar disorder has not yet been discovered, but it has been proven through scientific evidence that motor activity is the most accurate indicator of bipolar disorder.

The Relationship between Body Image and Domains of Sexual Functioning Among Heterosexual, Emerging Adult Women

Do you find yourself not enjoying sex?  Are you uncomfortable with your own body?  You are not alone.  Many women with all different body types are finding themselves distracted and uncomfortable when having sex.  This is due to the inability to be self-accepting.  

Monday, April 24, 2017

Detecting single-target changes in multiple objective Tracking: The Case of Peripheral Vision

I choose a study on peripheral vision because you never really notice of often this part of the vision is used and its importance. Most sports and activities where you or an object are moving, peripheral vision is in use. It’s an important component of many instinctual brain functions including balance and predator awareness. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

“Cannabis, tobacco smoking, and lung function: a cross-sectional observational study in a general practice population”

Tobacco use in our country is becoming an unhealthy, popular, addictive product to people across the nation.

Monday, April 17, 2017

College Students and Loud Music

Does listening to loud music really induce hearing loss? When you’re jamming out to your favorite song on your favorite device singing along, every second that goes by you're risking your hearing ability. Many college students don’t understand the importance of how loud music can affect their hearing lost and cause long-term issues.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Vitamin D Enhances Lifespan

        Vitamin D helps the regulation of bone and calcium homeostasis. It is associated with age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cancer. When Vitamin D levels are low, it can have an effect on human health. As people get older, the risk for Vitamin D deficiency increases.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Cancer Cell Culture

Cancer affects people all around the world and has been a leading cause of death for many years. Whether your diagnosed with it or someone you know suffers from it cancer is a terrible disease no one should have to deal with. Scientist and researchers have been trying to come up with a cure for cancer for a while but none have been successful.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Biological Pathways

                The study of Human biology is really important in people lives. It can provide people with information they didn’t know and can help people change their way of eating or drinking. It helps them protect their bodies and the study of life affects our own lives crucially. Biology is all about studying life and living organisms. Therefore, people learn about themselves and learn techniques to keep them healthy and out of risk of any harm or sickness. We're living organisms and we eat living organisms, so you could probably guess that biology has something to tell us about what's going on all around the environment and inside our body.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Connection between Humor and Health

Humor is a communication with others; one whose creativity, verbal skill, and absurdity has the power to bring about laughter. Laughter is the biotic response of humans to moments of humor. It is considered an outward expression of amusement with others. While humor may bring joy with others, it is considered to have many health, mental, and emotional benefits. These benefit may bring about an overall happier day.